CareUEyes - Eye protection software, blue light filter for pc, screen dimmer, break reminder - what is that software that came with asus to switch color scheme for eye protection

CareUEyes - Eye protection software, blue light filter for pc, screen dimmer, break reminder - what is that software that came with asus to switch color scheme for eye protection

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software that came with asus to switch color scheme for eye protection.Eye control basics in Windows 



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This article will guide you through all the steps of setting up an eye tracker. If you've already got one set up, see Eye control basics in Windows , and for troubleshooting help, go to Eye control troubleshooting guide.

Set up an eye tracking device. Set up the device. Use Windows eye control. Use the Tobii Eye Tracking app. This guide helps you to set up and calibrate your eye tracking device for use with Windows eye control. We have tested it with the Tobii Eye Tracker 4C device; your experience with other devices may vary. Eye control is available in Windows 11 in all regions. However, the eye control keyboard only supports the EN-US keyboard layout, and some eye control settings are only available in English.

You may need the help of a friend, family member, or caregiver to complete the set-up and to change eye control settings. Open the box and take out the Tobii Eye Tracker 4C device, one of the supplied magnets, and the illustrated installation guide. Peel off the sticker protecting the glue and attach the magnet under your screen as shown in the illustrated guide.

Note: The glue behind the magnet is quite strong, so be careful to attach it to the right place. You might not be able to remove the magnet without breaking it.

Note: The device can easily come loose when you move or bend the USB cable, so you should plan the position of the device in relation to your USB port in advance, and bend the cable to roughly the right shape before attaching the device. Open a web browser on your PC and go to www. A pop-up for accepting the website cookie policy opens. Under 1. The page content below the selection changes to show the details of the software package you need to install.

Scroll down and select Download. The Your download will start in a few seconds pane opens. If the download does not start automatically, select the link at the bottom of the pane. When asked what to do with the downloaded file, select Run. The installation wizard opens. Read the end-user license and use agreement, select the Agree check box and select Next. When the installation has completed successfully, select Continue to set up the eye tracker.

Some red lights should now be visible on your device, meaning it has activated. Select Get Started! Your screen shows two vertical lines. Use the mouse to move these lines to align them with the white markers on top of the device and select Done. The screen shows your eyes as two dots inside a rectangle. Move your eyes and head a little to confirm that the device can track your eyes. After a moment, the screen shows a series of blue dots.

Look at each dot one at a time until it explodes. After you have done this a few times, a Calibration successful! If you take too long to move your eyes to the next dot after one explodes, the calibration sequence starts from the beginning. Type a name for your user profile and select Save. A separate user profile is needed for each user. A single user may require multiple profiles if they use the computer with and without glasses, for example. You can create additional user profiles later.

The full screen mode of the Tobii Eye Tracking app activates after you save your profile, and the intro starts with background music. You are a pilot in a spaceship, and the screen gives you instructions on how to control the cursor and screen with your eyes and the Spacebar key. Look at an asteroid for a moment to have a targeting icon appear around it. Press Spacebar to shoot the asteroid.

If you want to stop piloting your ship before the intro ends automatically, look to your right for the exit button, look at the button for a moment to activate it, and press Spacebar to exit the intro.

The Tobii app presents an overview of various eye control features. Follow the instructions and look at various points on the screen to interact with them. After you finish watching the overview, the full screen mode deactivates and the Tobii app opens on the right side of the screen. You can use the app to manage your user profiles, test your eye control, and modify eye tracker settings. For more information, go to Use the Tobii Eye Tracking app.

Open Eye control settings. When you switch on eye control, the launchpad appears on the screen. For information on how to use the launchpad, go to Eye control basics in Windows. When your device is activated, eye tracking works inside the Tobii app even if Windows eye control is not switched on.

You can look at menu items to move the focus to them and press Spacebar to select them. To open the Tobii app, select the Tobii icon on the taskbar. You can also type "eye" in the taskbar search field and select Tobii Eye Tracking. Games and Experiences , where you can download Tobii applications and experience the eye tracker intro and overview again as you did during the initial set-up.

Interactions lets you change various settings related to touchpad, mouse, and general Windows use, as well as power usage. Here you can also update the Tobii software and reset all settings to their defaults. Display setup lets you realign the device if its position under your screen has changed. Gaze Trace enables a bubble which shows how your gaze moves on the screen. To disable the bubble, select Gaze Trace again. At the bottom, you can see your user profile name and two dots representing your eyes.

As you move your head, you can see whether both your eyes are still within the eye tracker's field of vision. The larger and brighter the dots are, the better your device is tracking your eyes. Select the bottom area to create new user profiles, or test and improve the calibration for the current user profile.

If you're having problems with eye control, here are some tips that may help. Check out the Eye control troubleshooting guide for more comprehensive troubleshooting help. After you restart your PC, the eye tracking device might not activate properly. To solve this, try these steps:. Keep Task Manager running until the service is running. You might encounter issues with light reflecting from windows or your glasses. Try closing all curtains or blinds in the room. If you can see the screen without glasses, you can also try creating a new user profile for using eye control without glasses.

Using the eye tracker with a laptop where the position of your eyes in relation to the screen can easily change can cause problems. Ideally, calibrate the eye tracker and then do not move the computer and try to keep your position stable. If you need to move the computer and change your position drastically, recalibrate the eye tracker if you run into problems.

Eye control basics in Windows. Eye control troubleshooting guide. If you've already got one set up, see Eye control basics in Windows 10 , and for troubleshooting help, go to Eye control troubleshooting guide. This guide helps you to set up and calibrate your eye tracking device for use with Windows 10 eye control. Eye control is not available in earlier versions of Windows 10, but if your PC is up-to-date, you're good to go.

Open About settings. Check for updates. Eye control is available in all regions. Windows 11 Windows 10 More In this topic Set up an eye tracking device Set up the device Use Windows eye control Use the Tobii Eye Tracking app Troubleshooting Set up an eye tracking device This guide helps you to set up and calibrate your eye tracking device for use with Windows eye control. Someone to assist you You may need the help of a friend, family member, or caregiver to complete the set-up and to change eye control settings.

Set up the device Connect the device Open the box and take out the Tobii Eye Tracker 4C device, one of the supplied magnets, and the illustrated installation guide.

In this topic Set up an eye tracking device Set up the device Use Windows eye control Use the Tobii Eye Tracking app Troubleshooting Set up an eye tracking device This guide helps you to set up and calibrate your eye tracking device for use with Windows 10 eye control.

Check for updates Eye control is available in all regions. Need more help? Join the discussion. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback?


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